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Looking for 3v3 Xin Zhao Jungle Beast [Gold+ Solo Q]

Discussion on Looking for 3v3 Xin Zhao Jungle Beast [Gold+ Solo Q] within the League of Legends forum part of the Popular Games category.

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Looking for 3v3 Xin Zhao Jungle Beast [Gold+ Solo Q]

Title says it, i won't sell the team or something,
i would like to go competitive in 3v3, since i finally wrote a 3v3 meta,
i now understand what champs and comps are good,
I got this at the moment:

Xin Zhao - Rengar - Morgana

Alot of you would be thinking why Rengar?
well i got a silver 1 guy playing Rengar, he won against Gold 1 Master Yi top in ranked, and against a Diamond 5 Rengar in normal. he is really good, and if you didnt believe us we can show you.

I also know alot of tricks in the map, like how to get firstblood easily, its a different method then what all other people do incase of just running into the enemy bush past the heal.

So im looking for a *** Xin zhao jungle,
who wants to go competitive with 3v3. i dont mind starting from bronze,
Each game we play will increase our skill.

And for the meta, send me a pm i don't want everyone to just get hands to it, i dont like so many copy cats :P
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Old 09/19/2013, 21:38   #2

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Check our stuck "looking for partner" thread.

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