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[POLL] How much would you pay for an account with all champs + skins?

Discussion on [POLL] How much would you pay for an account with all champs + skins? within the League of Legends forum part of the Popular Games category.

View Poll Results: What would you pay?
500 20 51.28%
800 3 7.69%
1000 5 12.82%
2000 3 7.69%
2500 8 20.51%
Voters: 39. You may not vote on this poll

Old   #1
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[POLL] How much would you pay for an account with all champs + skins?

Including all the old rare ones, etc.


(For people who trade only, i guess)
IOwnLeagueOfLegends is offline  
Old 07/17/2013, 07:20   #2
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because the old ones are just recolours i would just pay 200...
.BlueExorcist is offline  
Old 07/17/2013, 07:40   #3

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Nothing because it isnt necessary.
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Old 07/17/2013, 08:01   #4
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"IOwnLeagueOfLegends" wants to sell an account with all champs + skins

10/10 would buy
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