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Permban, have I any chance for unban?
Discussion on Permban, have I any chance for unban? within the League of Legends forum part of the Popular Games category.
04/03/2013, 16:22
elite*gold: 0
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Permban, have I any chance for unban?
[Sorry for my english]
As i said in title. Im banned 1 month ago, said to support 2 times but 2x same reply from support (automatical i think)
This League of Legends account has received a permanent ban. I have personally taken a look at your account and consider the ban justified.
Before joining the League of Legends community, you agreed to comply with our Terms of Use (and Summoner’s Code) which were established to help keep the environment of League of Legends a fun and sportsmanlike atmosphere for everyone. We do understand that we offer a free-to-play online game; however, we reserve the right to remove toxic players that create a negative experience for the community as a whole.
We have issued you a reform card which should assist in understanding the behavior behind your ban.
Keep in mind, although the Tribunal selects recent matches to be displayed in your case, this does not include all of the matches in which your behavior has been identified as toxic, and does not excuse toxic behavior in your other matches. In fact, you have been reported in 36% of the games in your last 30 days played. On average, a typical League of Legends player is reported in less than 1% of their games played.
Lastly, a permanent ban is an action we reserve only for those that refuse to improve their behavior. In order to be given such a punishment you need to have been judged guilty by the Tribunal at least 4 times. Your history of guilty judgments includes the following:
For these reasons, we will not lift the ban on your account and consider this matter closed. We wish you luck in your future gaming endeavors outside League of Legends.
Warmest regards,
Riot Games Player Support Specialist
I know my behavior is bad, but want to change. Some RL problems and this is effect = perm.
Someone get unbanned after perm? Can you guys tell me Do I have any chance to unban? If yes, what i must say to them?
04/03/2013, 16:25
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: Jun 2012
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If you want change, create new account and do it.
You deservered your perm so deal with it.
04/03/2013, 16:34
elite*gold: 13
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Forget it. I already lost 2 Accouns and 800 € because of Offensive Language. This Community is just a bunch of ******.
04/03/2013, 18:00
elite*gold: 5
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You won't get unbanned, you already had the chance to change your behavior. Just create a new account and follow the rules.
Originally Posted by SAE_TheJoker
Forget it. I already lost 2 Accouns and 800 € because of Offensive Language. This Community is just a bunch of ******.
Manchen Leuten ist es nun mal nicht egal, wenn sie beleidigt werden. Anstatt das du dich besserst, erstellst du einen neuen Account, auf dem du wieder das Gleiche machst, dann beschwer dich nicht, lol.
04/03/2013, 18:01
elite*gold: 0
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Originally Posted by SAE_TheJoker
Forget it. I already lost 2 Accouns and 800 € because of Offensive Language. This Community is just a bunch of ******.
Good , go and lose more if u can't stand people better than u and u flame every1
04/03/2013, 18:03
elite*gold: 0
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no you can t, you get what you deserve!
04/03/2013, 18:14
elite*gold: 0
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I've yet to get a perma ban.
I suggest you do what I do though.
Have MANY MANY smurfs and spend no rl money on any of them.
The summoners code is garbage.
Leaver penalty is garbage.
Don't bend over and spread cheeks for Riot.
Play for fun not for Riot's overbearing rules.
EDIT: On a related note: Trash talk is a HUGE part of competitive play.
The sooner riot realizes that the better.
04/03/2013, 22:37
elite*gold: 0
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Originally Posted by 7Priest7
I've yet to get a perma ban.
I suggest you do what I do though.
Have MANY MANY smurfs and spend no rl money on any of them.
The summoners code is garbage.
Leaver penalty is garbage.
Don't bend over and spread cheeks for Riot.
Play for fun not for Riot's overbearing rules.
EDIT: On a related note: Trash talk is a HUGE part of competitive play.
The sooner riot realizes that the better.
Yeah. ive got permabanned for trash talking too meh. that's dumb. since dota that was like half part of the game
04/03/2013, 23:39
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: Apr 2011
Posts: 32
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Originally Posted by nekomimibadik
Yeah. ive got permabanned for trash talking too meh. that's dumb. since dota that was like half part of the game
Can you imagine how boring Super Smash Bros or 007 on n64 would've been without the trash talking?
Similar here, Without the chat you might as well play some single-player offline dota clone.
04/04/2013, 00:41
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: Apr 2012
Posts: 37
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This is so bad. If someone getting banned ~1year ago, have big chances to unban. In this time, when someone get perm, riot gave him a chance to make new acc and get 20 level. When you haven't reported since this games, you have unban. Now 0 CHANCES for unban, ****...
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