Habe an die 300 Seiten auf gehabt, bei 840 das erste mal drin, dann auf Get Key geklickt und den Link kopiert und wieder 300 mal geöffnet, keine Seite geöffnet, erst nach etwa 40 Sekunden und dann waren 0 Keys da, keinen bekommen.
RP Skins for FREE (No Ban/No Riot Points) 11/02/2013 - League of Legends Guides & Strategies - 13 Replies LEAGUE OF LEGENDS RIOT POINT SKIN GENERATOR
So most people probably already know about this but I thought that at least someone would find this useful.
In League of Legends you can purchase skins using the currency Riot Points (Use Real $ to buy Riot Points) to customise your champion.
However, there is no need to use real money! Here is how to unlock any skin you want free of charge!
+ You cannot get banned for this!
Free Riot Skins! 09/26/2012 - League of Legends Trading - 6 Replies Hi epvpers!
im gonna give out tons of free limited Riot Skins which I recieved from Gamescom.
There are also 2 Pax Sivir Skins and 1 Pax Jax which im gonna give you guys for free.
The first Pax Sivir skin will go out today!
All you have to do is to like this page
https://www.facebook.com/pages/League-Of-Legends-S kin-Codes/274974959287983*******hl#
WTB LoL Account with Beta Skins and Pre-Order Skins, On it.LF RARE SKINS 08/17/2012 - League of Legends Trading - 2 Replies I am mostly interested in the skins side of the buy here the more Rare skins you have on ur account the more i will offer for it please PM with ur account details and we will discuss a price if i like the sound of it
Free skins 07/22/2012 - League of Legends - 1 Replies Hello guys, does anyone know if is there any free skins to get? Not tristana and alistar i have them. Any other? If yes can you give me link where or tell me how? Thanks.