It is a known problem and Riot already knows it.
They will fixx it.
Also you have to make a purchase in the Shop with IP, after that you can see your redeemed IP.
Rewards mit Toluna?! 04/10/2012 - Metin2 - 3 Replies Hey :),
wollte mir heute mal wieder etwas verdienen und habs mal mit Toluna probiert. Die Belohnung ist bei Toluna ja sehr hoch angesetzt. Das Problem, das nicht nur ich habe .. Toluna vergütet nicht. Da bei SuperRewards etwas von einem Widget steht und eigentlich niemand so richtig weiß, was er tun soll möchte ich einfach euch mal fragen.
Egal ob bei Metin2 oder bei Aion, nirgendswo wird vergütet.
Falls einer von euch mal etwas durch Toluna vergütet bekommen hat, wäre es nett, wenn...
WTB EU 22+ Veteran Rewards Acc NOTHING ELSE 12/27/2011 - Aion Trading - 8 Replies I'm looking for an EU account that got more than 22 Veteran Rewards.
(Means that it was payed for almost 2 years)
I'm not interested in any value that might be on your chars! So please remove it, if it will raise the price. Additionally im not interested in leveld chars and how many twinks are on those.
A clean account with no chars and just 22+ months of Veteran Rewards would be perfect. If you think you come close to this description PM ME!
Quest Rewards 08/07/2010 - CO2 Private Server - 6 Replies Is it possible to take the Avatar changing npc and duplicate that so the images are pictures of weapons and armor and when you click them it gives you that items for a quest reward? or have the same type of think with a shop npc?
2x squama rewards 11/15/2009 - CO2 Exploits, Hacks & Tools - 27 Replies request from someone 4 picture n here it is. instructions: stand in line with the squama n click on black dott once ur character gets somewere around the red dott (must go over squama b4 u do this) u click on the green dott n hopefully the reward u get from the squama is doubled. n 4 the idiots the yellow dott is the squama this wont work 100pct since there is only a short limit of time to do all of it. havnt tested but speed hack...
Lv Rewards . 09/07/2009 - Dekaron Private Server - 2 Replies well . i am thinking if some one tried a script or some thing .
on 2moons or dekaron eu . when u rech lvl 5 for example it shows u a banner .
that u have new tip or something .
and some times it give u a Prize :
well can some one tell me how to auto give some one a prize when he reach lvl 150 for example ?
hope some one help me :)