[Help] PHP Players indicator. 07/11/2009 - CO2 Private Server - 1 Replies Well i've been trying to get player's indicator done but I failed.So I am asking for help if anyone can help me in making one for my website?I am using LOTF.
OnlinePlayers indicator ! how? 06/09/2009 - CO2 Private Server - 14 Replies i need something for my web that will show the online players,i saw on a lot of webs.. i use 5065 tq binarys
something like
Login Server: Online
Game Server: Online
Registration Server: Online
Players Online: 35
Only the Players online stuff i need
Prize indicator ( lucky lottery) 10/20/2007 - Conquer Online 2 - 11 Replies Wont it be kool if we could see which box has what
before you guys start flaming me i searched on this topic and no result
well i was wondering if there is a program that can see the packet that CO is sending to the game.
im not no programmer and iam sure you guys have thought about writing a program that will allow us to see the prize in the lucky lottery we getting.
im sorry if this is a server sided hack
i will take all of the flame u guys hit me with ^^ thx for ur reply
Tactics Map Indicator 1.1 10/18/2006 - CO2 Exploits, Hacks & Tools - 39 Replies I made this because I was tired of searching for people to ask what tactic I was in, or waiting for a token.