2/19 Edit: Seems her ratios and proper skill descriptions have been datamined. Check them out!
Duelist [Fiora's Passive]
Fiora regenerates ??? Health over 6 seconds each time she deals physical damage. Striking champions will cause this effect to stack up to 4 times.
Lunge [Fiora's Q]
60 Mana
16/14/12/10/8 sec Cooldown [4.8 at maxCDR]
600 Range
Fiora dashes forward to strike her target, dealing 40/65/90/115/140 (+???) physical damage. Fiora can perform the dash a second time within 4 seconds at no mana cost.
Riposte [Fiora's W]
40 Mana
10/9/8/7/6 sec Cooldown [3.6 at maxCDR]
20 Range
Passive: Fiora's Attack Damage is increased by 15/20/25/30/35.
Active: Fiora parries the next basic attack from a champion or monster within 1.5 seconds and reflects 40/80/120/160/200 (+1AP) magic damage back to the attacker. Blocks 50% of turret damage.
Burst of Speed [Fiora's E]
55 Mana
15 sec Cooldown [9 at maxCDR]
Fiora gains 60/80/100/120/140% additional Attack Speed for 3 seconds. Each basic attack or Lunge she lands during this time increases her Movement Speed by 7/9/11/13/15% for 3 seconds, stacking up to 3 times.
Blade Waltz [Fiora's R]
100 Mana
150/130/110 sec Cooldown [01:06 at maxCDR]
400 Range
Fiora dashes around the battlefield striking random champions 5 times for 140/290/440 (+???) physical damage. Successive strikes against the same target deal 35% damage. The first and last attack will be against the same target.
Each strike applies on-hit effects.
[114] Fiora, The Peerless Duelist
Movement Speed:[320]
Attack Range:[125]
Attack Speed:[0.672~1.015]
HP:[510~1955 (+85)]
MP:[260~940 (+40)]
AD:[55.7~110.1 (+3.2)]
Armor:[18.5~78 (+3.5)]
MR:[31.25~52.5 (+1.25)]
HP/5:[6.3~19.9 (+0.8)]
MP/5:[7.25~15.75 (+0.5)]
RATINGS: Attack[9] Health[4] Spells[3] Difficulty[5]
(The stuff in ??? is stuff that can't be accessed in the champion file alone.)
Carrying the name Fiora, our next champion appears to be a fencer and her kit seems to reflect that of an AD Assassin with the potential of jungling.Duelist [Fiora's Passive]
Fiora regenerates ??? Health over 6 seconds each time she deals physical damage. Striking champions will cause this effect to stack up to 4 times.
Lunge [Fiora's Q]
60 Mana
16/14/12/10/8 sec Cooldown [4.8 at maxCDR]
600 Range
Fiora dashes forward to strike her target, dealing 40/65/90/115/140 (+???) physical damage. Fiora can perform the dash a second time within 4 seconds at no mana cost.
Riposte [Fiora's W]
40 Mana
10/9/8/7/6 sec Cooldown [3.6 at maxCDR]
20 Range
Passive: Fiora's Attack Damage is increased by 15/20/25/30/35.
Active: Fiora parries the next basic attack from a champion or monster within 1.5 seconds and reflects 40/80/120/160/200 (+1AP) magic damage back to the attacker. Blocks 50% of turret damage.
Burst of Speed [Fiora's E]
55 Mana
15 sec Cooldown [9 at maxCDR]
Fiora gains 60/80/100/120/140% additional Attack Speed for 3 seconds. Each basic attack or Lunge she lands during this time increases her Movement Speed by 7/9/11/13/15% for 3 seconds, stacking up to 3 times.
Blade Waltz [Fiora's R]
100 Mana
150/130/110 sec Cooldown [01:06 at maxCDR]
400 Range
Fiora dashes around the battlefield striking random champions 5 times for 140/290/440 (+???) physical damage. Successive strikes against the same target deal 35% damage. The first and last attack will be against the same target.
Each strike applies on-hit effects.
[114] Fiora, The Peerless Duelist
Movement Speed:[320]
Attack Range:[125]
Attack Speed:[0.672~1.015]
HP:[510~1955 (+85)]
MP:[260~940 (+40)]
AD:[55.7~110.1 (+3.2)]
Armor:[18.5~78 (+3.5)]
MR:[31.25~52.5 (+1.25)]
HP/5:[6.3~19.9 (+0.8)]
MP/5:[7.25~15.75 (+0.5)]
RATINGS: Attack[9] Health[4] Spells[3] Difficulty[5]
(The stuff in ??? is stuff that can't be accessed in the champion file alone.)
(Passive) - Duelist: Fiora regenerates health over 6 seconds each time she deals damage. Striking champions will cause this effect to stack up to 4 times.
Q - Lunge: Fiora dashes forward to strike her target, dealing physical damage. Fiora can perform the dash a second time within a couple seconds at no mana cost.
W - Ripost: (Passive) Fiora's Attack Damage is increased. (Active) Fiora parries the next basic attack from a champion or monster and reflects magic damage back to the attacker.
E - Burst of Speed: Fiora gains Attack Speed for a couple seconds. Each basic attack or Lunge she lands during this time increases her Movement Speed, stacking.
R - Blade Waltz: Fiora dashes around the battlefield striking random champions dealing physical damage. Successive strikes against the same target deal less damage.
Patch Notes:
Now that the "good stuff" is out of the way, check out the rest of 2/16 patch notes:Here are today's patch notes:
Unbreakable Will mana cost reduced to 100 from 150.
Trample damage increased to 10-27 per second from 10-23.
Idol of Durand damage range increased to 600 from 575.
Fixed a particle issue with Transcendent Blades.
Granite Shield now shows a cooldown timer.
Miss Fortune
Strut now shows a cooldown timer.
Now has a passive cooldown timer like Ziggs and Shen.
Axe Throw
Damage increased to 80-260 from 50-210.
Scaling changed to +1.0 bonus AD from +0.5 total AD.
Base cooldown reduced to 8 seconds from 10.
Cooldown reduction for picking up the axe reduced to 4.5 seconds from 6.
Ragnarok now provides 30/45/60 Armor and Magic Resist instead of 20/30/40 flat damage reduction.
Paragon of Demacia now shows you over its icon how many stacks you have.
Move Quick's passive component now shows a cooldown timer.
Champions will now attempt to run home immediately when disconnecting, rather than attempting to Recall.
Small monster camp sigils now restore up to 30 Mana in addition to Health.
Small golem camp.
Movement Speed increased to 300 from 180.
Medium Golem base damage increased to 59 from 54.
Co-Op Versus AI
Fixed a bug where Shyvana bot would stand still while attempting to retreat.
[New] Champion - Fiora Musketeer & Armored Skins
"It would seem further efforts digging around the PBE patch have proven successful. Good friends over at OccupyMid have uncovered the traditional two release skins for Fiona. Check out the video preview for Musketeer Fiona and Armored Fiona below."
Have some fun