[Trading] [G]Handleveled Acc [S]Bottet/Handleveled Acc 09/29/2023 - League of Legends Trading - 1 Replies Want to Trade my handleveled LoL Acc (EUW) for an bottet Acc (20k+ IP/BE) or an Handleveled Acc (lvl 22-30). E-Mail is verificatet but if you chnage it you become the Code and i can also go first and im the first owner. Unranked in 5v5 and Flex 5v5 but B2 in FLex 3v3.
._.My Account._.
Acc Info
Debonair Ezreal, Wicked LB, Worldbreaker Nasus, Radiant Wukong,
Fisherman Fizz
[Buying] LF Handleveled Acc fresh EUW / or Prestige qiyana acc 05/31/2022 - League of Legends Trading - 0 Replies Hi,
looking for one of either:
Handleveled Account EUW, fresh with FULL recovery Info, not verified etc.
15€ for fresh blank, 25€ if it has really good normal MMR
[Selling] EUW ACCOUNT HANDLEVELED[EUW] 07/23/2019 - League of Legends Trading - 0 Replies SELL EUW ACCOUNT HAND LEVELED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i sell my account with 81 Champs
Lv 63
5,7k Blue essence
15 Skins
Honor lv 2
im the orginal owner of this account
[Buying] EUW HANDLEVELED UNRANKED ACC WITH RIVEN 08/26/2015 - League of Legends Trading - 1 Replies Title please
- non botted
- reg mail or unverified + trusted members
- Riven
- If one skin except dragonblade it's better
- Cheap
-Paying with paypal