About me:
Hey I’m Devaski (had a lot of others nicknames), league player since season 2. In season 3 ended on plat 1 and in season 4 ended up hard improving by myself getting challenger.
Was playing competitive in a lot of teams. Was playing versus many players who are/were actually in LEC or national leagues. Have won a lot of go4lols and other tournaments, have been on a few lans.
Why coaching:
In last 2 years was I boosting, but its not making me enjoyable anymore and I’m trying to find something new what will give me again fun from this game.
I’m botlane and jungle player and I have a good knowledge about these positions.
If u want to improve your gameplay in anyway u can contact me.
I can help you with the basics macro game, builds, combos, some tips about your matchups, how to push vision on map or pressure as jungler and a lot of other stuff like positioning in teamfights etc.
On start I would prefer to coach only players till diamond 4 to get some experience how can I explain my knowledge of the game into better ways.
On start I would like to get 5 orders as vouches then i will try to value my work.
If u have questions fell free to add me discord.
Discord: Bestle#9594
Languages: Polish, English