Looking for Vouchers for my upcoming eloboost Service 08/05/2017 - League of Legends Trading - 0 Replies Hello Guys
Looking for Vouchers
i Wanna start a Eloboost Service (working on it)
So hit me up i will play 1-2 Games for Feedback
Discord: Denis#9537
Skype: elo.boostereuw
Thanks :P
Lokkking for vouchers for upcoming Eloboost from Bronze 5 to Plat 5 01/05/2014 - League of Legends Trading - 15 Replies Hey guys Im searching for vouchers to get more trusted and start with Elo/Division-Boosting after some vouches.
My main is Plat 5 and Im ely expereinced in the game. I have 10 rune pages and more than half of all champions in the game
A picture of my rating:
If u decide to buy a eloboost, I will do a bit of coaching aswell and disccus the runes of ur runepages with you and talk to u about the metagame and warding and show you my own created documents...