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SELLING EUW account, 217 LEVEL 333 SKINS and all CHAMPIONS (145), 244 ICONS, 1037 RP

Discussion on SELLING EUW account, 217 LEVEL 333 SKINS and all CHAMPIONS (145), 244 ICONS, 1037 RP within the League of Legends Trading forum part of the Other Online Games Trading category.

Old   #1
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SELLING EUW account, 217 LEVEL 333 SKINS and all CHAMPIONS (145), 244 ICONS, 1037 RP

Hello guys, I'm selling this account because I'm quiting the game. I wanna play some other games that I've been wanting to play for a long time and I'm always ending up playing league.

So, this is a gold 2 account solo queue, gold 4 TFT, and silver 3 in flex 5v5 with 3 placement games, easily g4 to get the chroma reward at the end of season.

Skins: I've 6 prestige skins, I have my favourite ones: Prestige Kai'sa, Prestige Ahri, Prestige Akali, Prestige Caytlin, Prestige Lux and Prestige Vayne.

Ultimate Skins: Ezreal, Udyr, Sona, and Lux.

I have also 3 Hextech: Annie, Renekton and Malzahar.

Plus 3 more rare skins that I got with gemstones as well: Dreadnova Darius, NeoPax Sivir and Dark Star Cho'gath.

I have 26 legendaries, 93 epics,111 legacy and 23 chromas.

This account also have 10 runes pages, 67 emotes, 39 wards (1 is mythic: gold space lizard), 244 Icons (1 ultimate, 2 mythic, 37 epic, 142 rare and 30 legacy, the rest is normal).

There's tons of good skins, I probably have a skin for every champion. 65K Blue Essence, 1940 Orange Essence and 1034 RP.

Honor 5 twice.

Extra pictures and or information can be added when requested. Negotiable price.
Irreverendus is offline  
1 User
Old 10/08/2019, 08:18   #2 Trade Status: Unverified(?)
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What kind of price?
Redir3cted is offline  
Old 05/12/2020, 09:51   #3 Trade Status: Unverified(?)
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Whats the price and is it in euw?
SnackAss is offline  

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