[Buying] buying Unranked account for 9 Euro 03/13/2015 - League of Legends Trading - 2 Replies write your price and IP on the account in the comments
EUW account only
[Buying] Unranked Account [buying constantly unranked or trash MMR/ELO accounts!] 03/12/2015 - League of Legends Trading - 7 Replies Want to buy you unranked or trash elo/mmr accounts!
I buy nearly all accounts for max. 10€ per Account, i dont buy botted/ripped accounts! Just make me offers in this thread and iŽll replay within 24 hours.
All offers over 10€ will get reported.
I buy:
unranked,bronze,silver. EUW!!!
Pref Champs:
all adcs or supports.
I dont care about skins!
[Buying] Buying cheap unranked account EUW 10 euro PSC 06/29/2013 - League of Legends Trading - 2 Replies Hey guys i'm buying a cheap unranked account with unranked i mean 0 wins 0 losses , i'm offering 10 euro's PSC for it.
The minimal requirements are: 16 champs / alteast 1 rune page / Original e-mail or inactive.
If you've got something than add me on skype : runecbow or PM Me!