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[G]Handleveled Acc [S]Bottet/Handleveled Acc

Discussion on [G]Handleveled Acc [S]Bottet/Handleveled Acc within the League of Legends Trading forum part of the Other Online Games Trading category.

Old   #1
♠ Not Faker ♠'s Avatar
elite*gold: 5
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Arrow [G]Handleveled Acc [S]Bottet/Handleveled Acc

Want to Trade my handleveled LoL Acc (EUW) for an bottet Acc (20k+ IP/BE) or an Handleveled Acc (lvl 22-30). E-Mail is verificatet but if you chnage it you become the Code and i can also go first and im the first owner. Unranked in 5v5 and Flex 5v5 but B2 in FLex 3v3.

._.My Account._.


If there is a Price Offer I only accept PSC.
♠ Not Faker ♠ is offline  
Old 09/29/2023, 13:41   #2 Trade Status: Unverified(?)
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: Sep 2023
Posts: 29
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yo bro we can trade if you still want
shoutly is offline  

cheap, euw, lol, lol acc, trade

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