[Selling] EUW s4 Dia 3v3 Plat Solo s5 Dia Solo 78 Champions 12 Skins 680RP 4800IP 02/03/2016 - League of Legends Trading - 0 Replies Summoner icons : Screenshot by Lightshot
Champions : 78
Skins : 12
Rune Pages : 4
S5 : Diamond ( Low amount of games) very high mmr
S4 : Damond 3v3 ; Platinum SoloQ
S3 : Platinum
S2 : Silver
Currently Unranked
[Selling] NA Plat 4 - 209 Skins - 20 Rune Pages - Plat 3v3 Owner - All Champs (-1) - S3 Plat 06/27/2014 - League of Legends Trading - 6 Replies Hey! I'm selling my Platinum 4 account
it comes w/ the season 3 Platinum rewards
The account is not cracked!
My skype is leaguerelated
Skins: (drag the image to a newscreen if not fullsized)
WTS plat solo queue S2 03/15/2012 - League of Legends Trading - 0 Replies Hi there , my account is currently platinum in solo queue ( 1980+ ) , if you're interested and want more informations send me a private message :] , thanks for your time~!
Skype: spartacus19833
WTS plat solo queue S2 03/14/2012 - League of Legends Trading - 0 Replies Hi there , my account is currently platinum in solo queue ( 1968+ ) , if you're interested and want more informations send me a private message :] , thanks for your time~!
Skype: spartacus19833
WTS plat solo queue S2 03/13/2012 - League of Legends Trading - 0 Replies Hi there , my account is currently platinum in solo queue ( 1968+ ) , if you're interested and want more informations send me a private message :] , thanks for your time~!
Skype: spartacus19833