Discussion on Unverified Euw Silver 2 - 31 Champs - 3 Runepages within the League of Legends Trading forum part of the Other Online Games Trading category.
10€ - Euw Unverified PLATIN 3 Smurf 31 Champs 4 Runepages 6 Skins 01/04/2016 - League of Legends Trading - 1 Replies http://fs5.directupload.net/images/160104/szyzvi2l .png
http://fs5.directupload.net/images/160104/gbk7ss4 6.png
Acc is on EUW
17 Chatbans ....
Paypal or Paysafecard
10€ EUW Plat 3 Smurf !Unverified! 31 Champs 4 Runepages 01/04/2016 - League of Legends Trading - 0 Replies http://fs5.directupload.net/images/160104/szyzvi2l .png
http://fs5.directupload.net/images/160104/gbk7ss4 6.png
Account is unverified and were inactive for 2 Years. Its also the safest way to buy an Account for you because its not possible to recover.
Acc is on EUW
17 Chatbans ....
Paypal or Paysafecard
[15€] UNVERIFIED Plat 3 Smurf 31 Champs 4 Runepages 01/04/2016 - League of Legends Trading - 0 Replies http://fs5.directupload.net/images/160104/szyzvi2l .png
http://fs5.directupload.net/images/160104/gbk7ss4 6.png
Account is unverified and were inactive for 2 Years. Its also the safest way to buy an Account because its not possible to recover.
17 Chatbans ....
Paypal or Paysafecard
[Selling] [EUW] rare Account! - 124 Champs - 125 Skins - 17 Runepages - Unranked - Unverified 10/02/2015 - League of Legends Trading - 3 Replies Hello summoners,
I'm going to sell here my euw account since I got no time anymore to play this game. The account is still unverified and got a lot of rare skins which are not purchaseable anymore like PAX Sivir etc!
Im only accepting Paypal looking for around 100€!
Champs: (not owned)
https://i.gyazo.com/b0e0876d6088dc48fd3dfdca813b7 84c.png
[Selling] NA - Unranked 31 Champs - 10 Skins - 3 Runepages - UNVERIFIED 07/19/2015 - League of Legends Trading - 4 Replies Hi everyone , got a smurf account on NA server , i cant play there since the ping is way too high for me
The account is unverified
11 Skins
31 Champions
Cool nickname ! :D
3 Runepages with completed runes