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PLATINUM 3 eune 50 champs 25 skins(sell or trade)

Discussion on PLATINUM 3 eune 50 champs 25 skins(sell or trade) within the League of Legends Trading forum part of the Other Online Games Trading category.

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PLATINUM 3 eune 50 champs 25 skins(sell or trade)

I wanna sell this account plat 3 eune 50 champs 2 rune pages 25 skins. good mmr . or trade with an account on west. with champs. or unranked with ip.or low elo with more champs and runes (eune-or euw dont matter)
price should be 60 dollars . or we can negotiate.I need money today .
skype id : cosmin.petrea33
cosminpetrea33 is offline  

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