Selling diamond 1 account 0 lp very cheap to sell fast, very good winrate/mmr
Champions: ahri, alistar, annie, ashe, azir, cassiopeia, cho'gath, corki, diana,
draven, Ekko, fizz, graves, jinx, kalista, kassadin, katarina, kha'zix,
kog'maw, leblanc, lissandra, lucian, lulu, maokai, morgana, nidalee, nunu,
orianna, rek'sai, riven, sivir, soraka, urgot, vayne, viktor, vladimir, xerath,
yasuo, zed, ziggs
Skins: Just aristocrat vayne.
17 rune pages
Selling really cheap because i need to, around 320-350$ instead of the normal 500ish price.
Pm me or post here if more details needed, looking to sell quickly and cheaply. It is unverified so you can verify it yourself.
Accepting paypal.
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