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Diamond 3 Acc 32 LP 91 Champs 16 Skins

Discussion on Diamond 3 Acc 32 LP 91 Champs 16 Skins within the League of Legends Trading forum part of the Other Online Games Trading category.

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Diamond 3 Acc 32 LP 91 Champs 16 Skins

Hello guys, im selling here my Diamond 3 Account which has currently 32 LP with a decent Lp gain (19-23). It has a Diamond Border from Season 4,14 Runesites and Runes for every role which i will show you here:

Quintessence: 3x Ablity Power, 3x Armor, 3x Attack Damage, 3x Attack Speed, 3x Gold, 3x Health, 3x Lifesteal, 3x Movement Speed

Marks: 9x Armor, 9x Armor Penetration, 9x Attack Damage, 9x Attack Speed, 9x Hybrid Penetration, 9x Magic Penetration, 1x Critical Chance

Glyphs: 9x Ability Power, 9x Cooldown Reduction, 5x Attack Speed, 9x Magic Resist, 9x Scaling Ability Power, 9x Scaling Magic Resist

Seals: 9x Armor, 9x Health, 9x Mana Regeneration, 9x Scaling Health

Unchained Alistar, Pharaoh Amumu, Frostfire Annie, Sheriff Caitlyn,
Victorious Elise,
Nottingham Ezreal, Spooky Gangplank, Victorious Janna, Jaxismus, Dragon Fist Lee,
Lord Mordekaiser, Victorious Morgana, Gothic Orianna, Yellow Jacket Shen, Dryad Soraka, Hyena Warwick+ Grey Warwick

The Account has currently 288 RP and 2251 IP.

Add me on Skype: comeonewetelltheworld or send me a PM for Screenshots
(We can use Middleman as you wish in case you dont trust me)
innocentc is offline  

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