Would like to trade EUNE D4 79lp account w/ exclusive(kappa) silver border for low division EUW account with some champs/runes.
Akali Annie Ashe Braum Cho'gath Diana Fiddlesticks Garen Hecarim Irelia Jax Jayce Katarina Kayle Kha'zix LeBlanc Leona Malphite Master Yi Miss Fortune Morgana Nidalee Nunu Pantheon Rek'sai Riven Ryze Shyvana Sion Sivir Soraka Taric Teemo Tryndamere Twisted Fate Udyr Vi Volibear Warwick Xin Zhao Yasuo
YASUO High Noon
RIVEN Battle Bunny
RIVEN Crimson Elite
AKALI Blood Moon
VI Officer
MORGANA Blackthorn
WARWICK Firefang
GAREN Dreadknight
Marks - x9 ad, x9 magic pene, x3 hp
Seals - x9 armor, x9 mres
Glyphs - x8 armor, x9 mres
Quints - x3 AP, x3 Armor, x3 AD
Also has Roccat and Gambit s2014 Icons.
Delete thread please, got rid of this acc.