We have a good experience selling accounts, skins and some other virtual goods at Ebay. If you want to check our reputation just google us: "Site:ebay.com davsulluyvan".
What do we offer:
- Lvl 30 Accounts
- Ranked at Gold V - Gold II " Depending on how many games we won at the placements"
- Email Unverified
- 17 Champions
- A full AD Rune Page/AP Rune Page
- Riot Tristana/Dreadknight Garen
- 3 of 3 Refunds at the store (Maybe you want to change something)
The price of each account is 28 €. 30 € if you buy it by Ebay, cuz fees.
Accounts Avaiable: [EUW]: 20 || [EUNE]: 7