10 draft pick wins 12/14/2014 - League of Legends Trading - 11 Replies Hello, i got ranked restricted in Gold 3 Elo. Now im searching for someone that does me 10 draft pick wins. How much u want ?
[Buying] 38 Draft Pick Wins, no Ranked ! 11/10/2014 - League of Legends Trading - 3 Replies ^Topic
Or even as much as u are able to promise
[Buying] LoL Draft Pick Wins 11/07/2014 - League of Legends Trading - 4 Replies Hey, i want to buy 38 Draft Pick Normal Wins. It has to be done as fast as you can, tell me your prices and how long you will need.
[Buying] Draft Pick - Normal 38 wins ! 11/07/2014 - League of Legends Trading - 10 Replies Hi I'm buying 38 normal wins. I'm willing to play truth paypal. Looking for a trusted guy ! 1-2 days if possible.
Also willing to trade for those 2 accounts ( smurfs )
A plat 5 Account - arround 20 champs - some skins ! 3 refunds , orignail mail etc.
And another plat 5 accounts arround 20 champs - 15k rp left on it ! Got all the info email etc !
[Buying] Draft pick wins ? 11/02/2014 - League of Legends Trading - 4 Replies Hallo,
ich wollte fragen ob es jemanden gibt der für mich Draft Pick Spiele GEWINNT damit diese Ranked Sperre entfernt wird und ich die Rewards kriege. Wenn es soetwas gibt bitte bei mir via Skype/PN mit dem Preis melden :)