- I am the original owner
- This account is from Season 1
- Has Diamond border from last season
- Has never been banned for any reason
- Server is EUNE and has a free transfer to EUW/Turkey (Will change it to NA on my cost if a buyer plays there)
- Still has 2 IP and 3 RP refunds available
- Season 1 ranking = Silver
- Season 2 ranking = Gold
- Season 3 ranking = Diamond
- Season 4 ranking = Diamond 5
- 85 champions owned
- 48 skin (Legacy and event skins: Striker Lucian, Striker Ezreal, Red Card Katarina, Angler Jax, Caterpillar Kog'Maw, Desert Trooper Garen, Dragon Knight Mordekaiser, Emerald Taric, Frozen Shen, Hextech Sion, Highland Tryndamere, Mr. Mundoverse, Traditional Karma, Molten Rammus, Nightmare Cho'Gath, Nottingham Ezreal, Glacial Olaf, Red Baron Corki, Frosted Ezreal, Re-Gifted Amumu, Red Riding Annie, Candy Cane Miss Fortune, Snow Day Ziggs, Snowstorm Sivir, Victorious Elise, Victorious Janna, Judgment Kayle, Feral Warwick, The Mighty Jax, Vancouver Amumu, Festival Kassadin, Team Spirit Anivia, Union Jack Fiddlesticks; Normal skins: Crimson Elite Riven, Dreadknight Garen, Battle Bunny Riven, Dragon Fist Lee Sin, Unchained Alistar, Lord Mordekaiser, Tundra Hunter Warwick, Thunder Lord Volibear, iBlitzcrank, Heartseeker Ashe, Heartseeker Vayne, Secret Agent Miss Fortune, Valkyrie Leona, Warring Kingdoms Xin Zhao, Arctic Ops Varus
- 8 rune pages (Marks: x9 Armor Penetration, x9 Magic Penetration, x9 Attack Speed, x9 Hybrid Penetration, x1 Crit Chance, x9 Attack Damage; Seals: x9 Attack Speed, x9 Scaling Ability Power, x9 Armor, x9 Health; Glyphs: x9 Magic Resist; Quints: x3 Armor Penetration, x3 Physical Damage, x3 Attack Speed, x2 Lifesteal, x3 Move Speed, x3 Health Regen, x3 Ability Power)
- Has 25 additional summoner icons
- We can use trusted middleman for the trade
- Contact over Skype - tomynica