Verkaufe hier die Codes der Gamescom Tickets womit ihr den Riot Kayle Skin und den Riot Ward Skin freischaltet.
Zu dem Code kriegt ihr ein Foto vom Ticket,auf Wunsch mit nem Blatt daneben wo euer SummonerName drauf steht.
Nehme nur PSC.
[Selling] Sellling Riot kayle and Riot ward skin code Cheap 09/09/2014 - League of Legends Trading - 10 Replies Hey guys, selling both skins code.
The price is 8.5 euros for both.
You can get picture of the card with your name and everything.
Add my skype for more info liadyogev242
Riot-Kayle & Riot Ward Skin (Gamescom 2014) 08/17/2014 - League of Legends Trading - 11 Replies
I´m selling my ticket code to get the gamescom 2014 skins.
If you want I can give you a picture of the ticket too.#
5€ each code + picture!!!
In stock: 20+
[Selling] Gamescom skin codes *riot kayle+riot ward* 08/16/2014 - elite*gold Trading - 1 Replies So i have some gamescom skins for league of legends
Prices are:
Paysafecard-7 euro
Paypal-5 euro
Epvp Treasure 75 elitegold
Don't forget the feedback guys, currently got 10 codes, tomorrow i'll be adding more ;)
Treasure #254249AVAILABLE]
Treasure #254255SOLD]
Treasure #254247AVAILABLE]
Treasure #254250AVAILABLE]
[Selling] Riot Kayle and Riot Ward skin [with proof/vouches] 08/14/2014 - League of Legends Trading - 3 Replies My brother is currently at Gamescom and he sent me some codes for Riot Kayle and Riot Ward skin.
Price is 5€ PSC
Add me on skype if you are interested: jovanka.milanovic2
[Selling] Sell Riot Kayle + Riot ward skin codes 08/14/2014 - League of Legends Trading - 5 Replies As the title says add me skype Leon Kawar, i accept paypal or paysafecard, the price is 4euros