League of Legends Rank: Gold
Gold 1,pretty high MMR since it has 12 more wins than losses.
63 skins:
3 rare - Pax Sivir,Pax Jax,UFO Corky
1 ultimate - Spirit Guard Udyr
6 legendary-Black Frost Anivia,Aether Wing Kayle,Demonblade
Tryndamere,Gatekeeper Galio,Battlecast Prime Cho`Gath,
Eternium Nocturne
53 other -Panda Annie,Pentakill Olaf,Battlecast Urgot,Judgement Kayle,Headhunter Master Yi,unchained Alistar,Infernal Alistar,Bandit Sivir,Super Teemo,Dryad Soraka,Tundra Hunter Warwick,Riot Girls Tristana,Road Warrior Miss Fortune,Amethyst Ashe,Blackthorn Morgana,Freljord Rammus,Frostblade Irelia,Rageborn Mundo,Traditional Karma,Spooky Gangplank,Bloodstone Taric,Officire Caitlyn,Tyrant Swain,Traditional Trundle,Sandstorm Katarina,Glacial Malphite,iBlitzcrank,Bloodfury Renekton,Haunted Maokai,Ravager Nocturne,Cryocore Brand,Victorious Elise,Bilgerat Rumble,Leopard Nidalee,Headhunter Nidalee,Piltover Customs Heimerdinger,Rugged Garen,Full Metal Pantheon,Pentakill Yorick,Lord Mordekaiser,Battle Bunny Riven,Iron Solari Leona,Shadow Prince Malzahar,Ice Drake Shyvana,Foxfire Ahri,Scorcher Earth Xerath,Warlord Shen,AstroNautilus,Tundra Fizz,Bioforge Darius,Headless Hecarim,Blood Knight Hecarim,Shockblade Zed.
Last season was gold,so it has a gold border.
Around 2k normal wins .
9 Rune pages with a good amount of runes.
It currently has 31 RP and 3131 IP.
Price:200 €
We can make a deal paysafecard or paypal
Add me on skype: elargonx