Searching for Smurf adc to do with it, ill support around gold 1
Discussion on Searching for Smurf adc to do with it, ill support around gold 1 within the League of Legends Trading forum part of the Other Online Games Trading category.
Searching for Smurf adc to do with it, ill support around gold 1
Searching for adc around Gold 1
Wich is smurfing to duo with it.
Ingame name : Rammie
I am atm going into game so dont wonder if i dont accept imidiettly.
Selling Gold V Smurf with pretty high MMR | Searching PayPal/Paysafecard 07/10/2014 - League of Legends Trading - 2 Replies Im selling my Gold V Smurf Account with a pretty high MMR (20-29 LP per Game). The Account has 19 Champions and 3 Skins (Heartseeker Vayne, Redeemed Riven, Battle Bunny Riven). The summoner name is about a champ and has no numbers.
Im give first, if you are trusted or with MiddleMan!
Searching for a lvl 30 Smurf EUW 03/15/2014 - League of Legends Trading - 0 Replies Hey guys,
im searching for a lvl 30 smurf acc on euw.
i pref an unranked acc or up to silver 3.
idc about the champions or skins. Would be nice to have Ap and Ad runepages.
ill give psc just make me a REALISTIC OFFER!
otherwise you can add me on skype:
I'm searching a smurf 11/27/2013 - League of Legends Trading - 0 Replies Hi all,
I'm searching for an UNRANKED (0 ranked played) lv 30 account. I don't care about skins (0 skin would be better),as long as it has some champ and some runes.
AH, P.S. I want the original e-mail too
[Buying] Searching for an unranked or gold smurf 09/28/2013 - League of Legends Trading - 5 Replies Title says everything, looking for an unranked acc (or gold smurf)
Add me on skype or pm me, i pay with PSC or a Boost. We can trade via trusted MM
Searching Smurf Acc EUW 08/09/2013 - League of Legends Trading - 2 Replies Searching Smurf account on EUW.
It need 2 be in Siliver 5 atleast. Or Bronze 1/2
It need 2 have 3 Runes pages (AP / AD / Jungle)
It need 2 have about 3 ADC (Vayne / Graves / Cait / MF / Ez / Tristana)
It need 2 have about 3 APC (kata / eve / Ahri / Kassa / Nida / Lux / orianna)
It need 2 have about 3 Jungler ( Lee / naut etc... )
It need 2 have about 3 Top laner...
It dont need skins.