PBE Account auf Ebay - Sofort Kaufen & Doom Bots of Doom ausprobieren!;)
Discussion on PBE Account auf Ebay - Sofort Kaufen & Doom Bots of Doom ausprobieren!;) within the League of Legends Trading forum part of the Other Online Games Trading category.
Selling Jade Dynasty Account Server (Doom Bog) 06/03/2012 - Perfect World Trading - 1 Replies hello i have quit playing jd i have a couple of account i wanna sell if any intrested aim me on aol at [email protected] i have the following for sell or ill trade for gold on Aion Server Vaizel.
Ascended lvl 148 Dagos modo.... Made for farming gold
lvl 150 Arden.... ready to ascended
lvl 83 ascended initiate can chose your class or save foor a new class
lvl 128 ascended Dagos Rayan..
all chars are on different accounts shot me an offer an lets see where it goes from there i have...
Doom 1 und Doom 2: BPjM nimmt die id Software Shooter-Klassiker vom Index (Hotnews) 08/30/2011 - User Submitted News - 1 Replies Hallo liebe Gamer Sekte
Ich möchte euch mit einer Late News um 20:55 noch Überaschen
Wie ihr ja wohlmöglich wisst, sind ja manche Spiele Indiziert, wer nicht weiß was das bedeutet kann hier nachlesen
Ja ihr habt richtig gehört soeben kam die News rein das Doom und Doom 2 (nicht Doom 2 US!) vom Index gestrichen wurde, das teilte die BPjM mit.
[S] Jade Dynasty Account [Doom Bog] 06/20/2011 - Trading - 0 Replies Selling lvl 138 Ascended Felkin Jadeon
Items Included
- +8 135 deity top
- +7 135 deity boots
- Stygian Hunter mount from JD1
- 1000gold Skyblade
- Multiple Cash Shop Fashion (4 sets i believe)
- 120ish Lupin character on account aswell
- Lots of energy for grinding
- Decent esper with ThunderBlade on it
Sell Jade Dynasty Account (Doom Bog-US server) 09/19/2009 - Perfect World - 0 Replies Selling Skysong lv 126 character account. +6 armor and +5 weapon. got leopard mount. glister skyblade and 3k+ gold in bag and much more. PM me in here for offer if you interested. Thanks