[Selling] Championship thresh skin code 07/09/2014 - League of Legends Trading - 58 Replies Hi, WTS CS thresh code. Bought recently code for myself from ebay, selling to other servs now.
Price & servers available:
NA, EUNE, EUW - 55 EUR - Sold
OCE, LAN - 30 EUR - Sold
BR, TR, LAS, RU, KR (korea) - 25 EUR.
If you are playing server like EUW, EUNE - you can transfer, redeem code here and transfer back. That's why price is low - to compensate transfer costs.
[Buying] Championship Thresh code (EUW) 02/18/2014 - League of Legends Trading - 5 Replies Anyone got a code left?
pm me if you do, we can talk details then.