Hello. Yestarday I bought the bot and im trying it since then. Here is my first impression.
Customer Support 9/10
Bot owner is very helpful guy who answered all my questions and helped me with bot. The only thing I didnt like is that he ignored me after asking for vouch copy, he could just have said they dont give them anymore.
Installation of bot 10/10
Bot is very easy to install, you just follow the instructions and you will set it up easy. Its much harder to set up VM-s since im kinda new to it. Everything worked as described after I followed the instructions.
Bot in general 7/10
Its really good bot. It does what its supposed to do, it worked perfectly after I let him on whole night for first time. Champions select, settings and pathfinding works all fine and I had no problems with that. Bot does everything as described.
There are few things I think that could be improved.
1. Pressing ctrl should stop the bot but it doesnt always stop bot and I have to stop it manually from the program
2. Bots are generally very stupid. I know its hard to make bots being smart or playing like a human, but I think its possible to improve their playing a little bit
3. I rarely see bots attacking the turret, It would be nice if they could attack the turret and not only wait for opponents minions to come.
Conclusion 8/10
I like the bot. Its great bot for lvling accounts, specially when there is no many working bots that can lvl up to lvl 30. I want to test it more and gonna post my impression from time to time so the future buyers know more about the product they are buying.
I also have a question if someone can help me. I managed to make few VM-s to run bot, but lol client (6gb) and windows 7 (around 6-7gb) with some other files take about 15gb per VM. Is it possible to download some other version of win7 or somehow lower the disk size taken by VM-s? 5 bots would take me 75gb of my SSD, which is kinda big.