Im not interested in playing league of legends anymore. I achieved my goal (to reach platinum) and now Im going to quit the game. This is, probably, the best bargain you will ever get so buy it why its still here!
There are 107 skins on this account - both ultimate skins and many legendary ones (overall I spent about $1k on em)
I ended up being gold in season 2 so this account has Victorious Janna skin and all the other rewards. Next season you will get Victorious Elise and platinum border.
The price is $350 (a little bargain on the price is acceptable)
Im the oroginal owner and will provide any necessary information.
Skype: Harry_trslt
Skin list(107 skins overall):
Foxfire Ahri
Silverfang Akali, Crimson Akali
Infernal Alistar, Golden Alistar, Unchained Alistar
Sad Robot Amumu
Hextech Anivia, Blackfrost Anivia
Red Riding Annie, Reverse Annie
Woad Ashe
Definitely Not Blitzcrank
Arctic Warfare Caitlyn, Resistance Caitlyn
Jurassic Chogath
Urfrider Corki, Hot Rod Corki
Woad King Darius
Death Blossom Elise
Pulsefire Ezreal, Explorer Ezreal, Frosted Ezreal
Dark Candy Fiddlesticks, Surprize Party Fiddlesticks
Headmistress Fiora
Tundra Fizz
Special Forces Gangplank
Steel Legion Garen, Rugged Garen
Oktoberfest Gragas, Hillbilly Gragas
Pool Party Graves, Mafia Graves, Riot Graves, Hired Gun Graves
Arcade Hecarim
Frostblade Irelia, Infiltrator Irelia
Forecast Janna, Victorious Janna
Warring Kingdoms Jarvan IV, Commando Jarvan IV
Nemesis Jax
Debonair Jayce
Bilgewater Katarina
Judgement Kayle
Kennen M.D.
Mecha Kha`Zix
Muay Thai Lee Sin, Dragonfist Lee sin, Traditional Lee Sin
Hired Gun Lucian
Wicked Lulu
Steel Legion Lux
Glacial Malphite, Obsidian Malphite
Festive Maokai
Chosen Master Yi, Samurai Master Yi
Secret Agent Miss Fortune
Blackthorn Morgana
Bewitching Nidalee, Pharaoh Nidalee, French Maid Nidalee
Eternum Nocturne, Haunting Nocturne, Ravager Nocturne
Grungy Nunu, Sasquatch Nunu
TPA Orianna
Glaive Warrior Pantheon
Full Metal Rammus
Pool Party Renekton, Outback Renekton
Battle Bunny Riven
Dark Crystal Ryze
Bear Cavalry Sejuani
Masked Shaco
Warlord Shen
Darkflame Shyvana
Surfer Singed
Tyrant Swain
Armor of the FIfth Age Taric
Astronaut Teemo, Super Teemo
Rocket Girl Tristana, Riot Girl Tristana
Lil` Slugger Trundle, Traditional Trundle
Sultan Tryndamere, Highland Tryndamere
Tango Twisted Fate
Gangster Twitch
Spirit Guard Udyr, Black Belt Udyr
Battlecast Urgot
Heartseeker Vayne
Officer Vi
Blood Lord Vladimir
Northern Volibear
Big Bad Warwick
Jade Dragon Wukong
Winged Hussar Xin Zhao
Shockblade Zed
Snow Day Ziggs