Selling EUW PLAT V account! 10/30/2013 - League of Legends Trading - 16 Replies So ive decided to sell my main account because i dont really have time to play now. I have 8 rune pages, lots of runes, about 60 champs. Skin list:
crimson akali
unchatred ali
victorious jarvan
judgement kayle
swamp kennen
pentakill mordekaiser
bilgerat rumble
dragonblade talon
yellow jacket shen
[Selling] SELLING PLAT III ACCOUNT 05/02/2013 - League of Legends Trading - 0 Replies PLAT III
60 champs
10 skins ( GOTHIC ANNIE )
12 rune pages
price: 50€
add me skype
Selling a NA S2 triple plat and S3 plat divsion 2 ACCOUNT. 02/19/2013 - League of Legends Trading - 8 Replies Champions -
ahri akali ali amumu anivia annie ashe blitz cait cass cho corki mundo draven elise eve ezreal fidd fizz gp garen grag graves heimer irelia janna jax karthus kass kat kayle kennen kog leblanc leesin lux malphite masteryi mf morde morg mnid nunu olaf ori panth poppy rammus rene reng riven ryze shaco shy siing sion sivir sona soraka syndra taric teemo trist turndle tryn tf twitch udyr urgot varus vayne veigar vi vlad ww xerath zed ziggs zilean zyra
Skins -
foxfire ahri pharaoh...
Selling LoL US Plat ELO! account 02/16/2012 - League of Legends Trading - 14 Replies I'm currently selling a account with ALL the current champions except (Ziggs, Sejuani, Volibear)
Current elo for Season 2 solo queue : 1906 (Highest reached 2001)
I have skins for champions ill list.
Alistar- Unchained
Ashe- Queen Ashe skin
Caitlyn- Arctic Warfare (magazine exclusive)
Chogath- Nightmare skin (alienware give away)
Kayle- Silver Kayle and Judgement Kayle (silver kayle exclusive on digital collectors edition)
Jarvan IV- Victorious Jarvan