Welcome to my League of Legends Services. Here, I will be Selling Accounts/Power-Levelling/Solo + Duo Boosting/Coaching
Welcome to my League of Legends Services. Here, I will be Selling Accounts/Power-Levelling/Solo + Duo Boosting/Coaching
Note: I accept payments from Paypal. I accept Euros majorly. If you can't pay by euros, I can accept other currencies but rates may apply according to the market.
Note: All of the accounts I sell are under my ownership. Most of the accounts are saved from past power-levelling, some are left that way and some are expanded to bigger accounts.
Most of the Accounts in my shop are NA, EUW, EUNE, for other regions, there's a high chance i have some as well. Let me know by PM or skype.
Yes! Additional Accounts do get discounts. More than one Fresh, Basic Accounts/Specific Requirement Accounts will have discounts depending how much you buy. Bundled are always cheaper than single.
Fresh/Empty/Unranked Accounts
These accounts are all unranked. They split into 4 categories: Empty, Low-Tier, Middle-Tier, High-Tier. The difference between the tiers are things like # of champions, # of skins, rune pages, etc. Higher tier accounts such as Mid & High may include bonuses such as rare skins, icons, etc that make them different and more expensive than Low-Tiers. Available almost in any region, but mostly NA, EUW, EUNE, other regions may need preorder, please contact me. Perfect for smurf, perfect for starting ranked. Instantly enjoy a perfect level 30. Prices and Rates
Empty Accounts: 20 euros
(Example of Empty Account: 140-400+ RP, 18000-26000+ IP, 2+ Rune Pages)
Low-Tier: 20-30 euros
(Ex. Up to ~20/30 champs, few skins, 1-2 rune pages, basic runes)
Middle-Tier:30-60 euros
(Ex. ~30 to ~40/60 champs, more skins, 1-3 rune pages, basic-full runes)
(May include Rare Skin, Contact me to if you want one with Rare Skin and see if its available)
High-Tier: 60+ euros
(Ex. ~60+,~80+,~100+ champs, lots skins, 2-4 rune pages, basic-full runes)
(May include Rare Skin, Contact me to if you want one with Rare Skin and see if its available)
Empty Accounts: 20 euros
(Example of Empty Account: 140-400+ RP, 18000-26000+ IP, 2+ Rune Pages)
Low-Tier: 20-30 euros
(Ex. Up to ~20/30 champs, few skins, 1-2 rune pages, basic runes)
Middle-Tier:30-60 euros
(Ex. ~30 to ~40/60 champs, more skins, 1-3 rune pages, basic-full runes)
(May include Rare Skin, Contact me to if you want one with Rare Skin and see if its available)
High-Tier: 60+ euros
(Ex. ~60+,~80+,~100+ champs, lots skins, 2-4 rune pages, basic-full runes)
(May include Rare Skin, Contact me to if you want one with Rare Skin and see if its available)
Specific Order/Requirement Accounts
Available-Need to contact me
There's a high chance I'm able to find the accounts according to you in my account shop. If you have a specific requirement or something in mind (# of champs, skins, rare skins, ranked/unranked, # of rune pages etc...), it's highly possible i can find something similar in my account storage. PM/skype me of what you need, and I'll look for you. Prices will be discussed based on what you need from me. Mostly for NA & EUW, contact me for other regions of this account type. Ask me now for a level 30 account ready for ranked or smurf but based on what you want and found just for you.Yes! Additional Accounts do get discounts. More than one Fresh, Basic Accounts/Specific Requirement Accounts will have discounts depending how much you buy. Bundled are always cheaper than single.
Yes! I do Power-Level. Fast & Easy.
I can Power-Level in All Regions Accounts must have a XP boost or enough RP to buy one. Additional XP/IP boosts are up to you.
Package Prices & Rates
Basic Powerlevel 1-30: 25 euros
(Around 10,000+ IP)
Tier 1 Farm Powerlevel 1-30: 30 euros
(Around 15,000+ IP, 975 RP, 1 Additional Rune Page)
Tier 2 Farm Powerlevel 1-30: 40 euros
(Around 40,000+ IP, 975 RP, 1 Additional Rune Page)
Tier 3 Farm Powerlevel 1-30: 70 euros
(Around 52,000+ IP, 21,975+ RP, 2 Skins, 2 Champions, 1 Additional Rune Page)
Elite Farm Powerlevel 1-30: 85 euros
(Around 65,000+ IP, 26,975 RP, 2 Skins, 2 Champions, 1 Additional Rune Page)
If Account Level above 18: 5 euros Discount
If Account Level above 23: 10 euros Discount
Basic Powerlevel 1-30: 25 euros
(Around 10,000+ IP)
Tier 1 Farm Powerlevel 1-30: 30 euros
(Around 15,000+ IP, 975 RP, 1 Additional Rune Page)
Tier 2 Farm Powerlevel 1-30: 40 euros
(Around 40,000+ IP, 975 RP, 1 Additional Rune Page)
Tier 3 Farm Powerlevel 1-30: 70 euros
(Around 52,000+ IP, 21,975+ RP, 2 Skins, 2 Champions, 1 Additional Rune Page)
Elite Farm Powerlevel 1-30: 85 euros
(Around 65,000+ IP, 26,975 RP, 2 Skins, 2 Champions, 1 Additional Rune Page)
If Account Level above 18: 5 euros Discount
If Account Level above 23: 10 euros Discount
10 euros is the minimum amount of purchase.
Other packages such as (additional ip farms, additional rune pages, etc) may take longer to complete. They will be discussed in skype...
Full levellings usually take at most a week's time with boost.
About Me:
I am a diamond player with 3 yrs+ experience on this game. I boosted my smurfs to at least platinum plus and I spend most of my time in League playing on my main with the top players in NA. I am very knowledgeable about the game and I have taught my friends and other customers how to improve their gameplay. All my past students now have more fun in the game and can enjoy their gaming life more because they are now better players. Students of mine are mostly guaranteed to move up 1-2 tiers and they achieved their goals of gold, plat, and even diamond. I want to help you achieve your dream in League as well!Lessons and Way of Teaching:
I almost fully guarantee my students to see their improvement and increase their skill in the game. I treat my students responsibly, making sure that they can get something out of my lessons and that what they paid for is worth and what they learned is valuable.How I teach and What will you get?
-Anything you find trouble with currently
-Spectate and give you tips and fix your mistakes
-Teach you all you need to know to carry
-Added to Skype Learning Group and will answer any question you have during coaching hour and outside coaching hour
-Provide Theories, Resources, and Articles to help you improve
Topics I Cover:
-Starting Ranked Games: what to do, what to care for, what you need to know-Winning at Champion Select
-Winning Lane: Zoning, Pressuring, Harassing, Roaming, Shoving, CS, Warding
-Reacting to Situations: Jungle Ganks, Counter Jungle
-Engaging, Disengaging, Taking chances, Taking Risks
-Teamfights, Making Plays
-Winning Strategies: Baiting, Split pushing, Objectives, How to Snowball yourself or allies
-Champions: Tips/Tricks on any specific Champion, Builds and Situational Builds
-What to do when you are countered?
-What to do when you are losing? How to turn back?
-Gamer Psychology: Ragers, Trolls, Carries, Attitudes
-Guides for each role: Jungle, top, mid, adc, support
Coaching: 15 euros/hr
Start Winning and Carrying Today!
Other Services
duo boost coming. Will update ASAP
Thanks for Reading!
Skype: lolservices.leca
Past Vouches/Boosting History
Start Winning and Carrying Today!
Solo Boosting
LecaLOL now offers Elo Boosting Service! The team consists of me and several other diamond plus players who are able to get you to your desired division. Whatever your goal in league is, no matter it is to get better, play with better people, improve to one day become pro, impressing your friends, we can help you to make league of legends more fun at higher elos with no trolls, afks, and ragers. You deserve to really enjoy the game.
For each customer, We guarantee:
-FAST (Up to more than 1 Division Per Day)
-Best Prices for you in your situation
-True High Diamond/Challenger Players
-100% Trusted
Terms of Use
-No Logging into accounts during the boost. (If you want to play, please contact me first before logging in straight)
-No playing ranked games during the boost
-16+ lp gain required per win to use division boosting
-If you would like to cancel the boost during the boost, please contact me and a partial refund may be given depending on the progress and how many games were done.
-Boosting will start depending on availability. At your time of purchase, I will let you know approximately how long the boost can start. (Usually within 12 hours)
We do not take any responsibility for banned accounts, lost ranked games, and will not make up the wins from a per win boost if the game was interrupted by the customer logging in without prior notice.
We have boosters from a wide range of regions. We provide service in: NA, EUW, EUNE, Turkey, Russia, LAN!
We boost in all regions up to Challenger!
Prices and Rates:
Placement Matches: 50 euros Guaranteed high win rate (at least 7/3 but very rare).
Bronze V-IV: 15 euros
Bronze IV-III: 15 euros
Bronze III-II: 15 euros
Bronze II-I: 20 euros
Bronze I-Silver V: 25 euros
Silver V-IV: 25 euros
Silver IV-III: 25 euros
Silver III-II: 30 euros
Silver II-I: 30 euros
Silver I-Gold V: 35 euros
Gold V-IV: 40 euros
Gold IV-III: 40 euros
Gold III-II: 45 euros
Gold II-I: 50 euros
Gold I-Platinum V: 55 euros
Platinum V-IV: 55 euros
Platinum IV-III: 60 euros
Platinum III-II: 60 euros
Platinum II-I: 65 euros
Platinum I-Diamond V: 75 euros
Diamond+ until Challenger
Please contact me via Skype/PM
**Prices are subject to change.**
-If you have super high LP Gain or buying a bundled boost (ex. Silver V to Gold V) You will receive a discount accordingly. Best price guaranteed to suit you.
-If you have low LP Gain (below 15-16), the price will increase accordingly and may have to be transferred to per win boosting. Prices for orders changed to per win boosting will be adjusted accordingly and privately with customer.
Per Guaranteed Wins:
Bronze V: 10 euros/5 wins
Bronze IV: 10 euros/5 wins
Bronze III: 15 euros/5 wins
Bronze II: 15 euros/5 wins
Bronze I: 20 euros/5 wins
Silver V: 20 euros/5 wins
Silver IV: 20 euros/5 wins
Silver III: 20 euros/5 wins
Silver II: 20 euros/5 wins
Silver I: 25 euros/5 wins
Gold V: 25 euros/5 wins
Gold IV: 25 euros/5 wins
Gold III: 30 euros/5 wins
Gold II: 35 euros/5 wins
Gold I: 40 euros/5 wins
Platinum V: 40 euros/5 wins
Platinum IV: 45 euros/5 wins
Platinum III: 45 euros/5 wins
Platinum II: 50 euros/5 wins
Platinum I: 55 euros/5 wins
Diamond+ until Challenger
Please contact me via Skype/PM
**These are Guaranteed wins. Meaning if you purchased 5 wins. We lost 2. We will play until you have 5 wins. We will make up the losses with wins until it reaches the number you purchased.**
For each customer, We guarantee:
-FAST (Up to more than 1 Division Per Day)
-Best Prices for you in your situation
-True High Diamond/Challenger Players
-100% Trusted
Terms of Use
-No Logging into accounts during the boost. (If you want to play, please contact me first before logging in straight)
-No playing ranked games during the boost
-16+ lp gain required per win to use division boosting
-If you would like to cancel the boost during the boost, please contact me and a partial refund may be given depending on the progress and how many games were done.
-Boosting will start depending on availability. At your time of purchase, I will let you know approximately how long the boost can start. (Usually within 12 hours)
We do not take any responsibility for banned accounts, lost ranked games, and will not make up the wins from a per win boost if the game was interrupted by the customer logging in without prior notice.
We have boosters from a wide range of regions. We provide service in: NA, EUW, EUNE, Turkey, Russia, LAN!
We boost in all regions up to Challenger!
Prices and Rates:
Placement Matches: 50 euros Guaranteed high win rate (at least 7/3 but very rare).
Bronze V-IV: 15 euros
Bronze IV-III: 15 euros
Bronze III-II: 15 euros
Bronze II-I: 20 euros
Bronze I-Silver V: 25 euros
Silver V-IV: 25 euros
Silver IV-III: 25 euros
Silver III-II: 30 euros
Silver II-I: 30 euros
Silver I-Gold V: 35 euros
Gold V-IV: 40 euros
Gold IV-III: 40 euros
Gold III-II: 45 euros
Gold II-I: 50 euros
Gold I-Platinum V: 55 euros
Platinum V-IV: 55 euros
Platinum IV-III: 60 euros
Platinum III-II: 60 euros
Platinum II-I: 65 euros
Platinum I-Diamond V: 75 euros
Diamond+ until Challenger
Please contact me via Skype/PM
**Prices are subject to change.**
-If you have super high LP Gain or buying a bundled boost (ex. Silver V to Gold V) You will receive a discount accordingly. Best price guaranteed to suit you.
-If you have low LP Gain (below 15-16), the price will increase accordingly and may have to be transferred to per win boosting. Prices for orders changed to per win boosting will be adjusted accordingly and privately with customer.
Per Guaranteed Wins:
Bronze V: 10 euros/5 wins
Bronze IV: 10 euros/5 wins
Bronze III: 15 euros/5 wins
Bronze II: 15 euros/5 wins
Bronze I: 20 euros/5 wins
Silver V: 20 euros/5 wins
Silver IV: 20 euros/5 wins
Silver III: 20 euros/5 wins
Silver II: 20 euros/5 wins
Silver I: 25 euros/5 wins
Gold V: 25 euros/5 wins
Gold IV: 25 euros/5 wins
Gold III: 30 euros/5 wins
Gold II: 35 euros/5 wins
Gold I: 40 euros/5 wins
Platinum V: 40 euros/5 wins
Platinum IV: 45 euros/5 wins
Platinum III: 45 euros/5 wins
Platinum II: 50 euros/5 wins
Platinum I: 55 euros/5 wins
Diamond+ until Challenger
Please contact me via Skype/PM
**These are Guaranteed wins. Meaning if you purchased 5 wins. We lost 2. We will play until you have 5 wins. We will make up the losses with wins until it reaches the number you purchased.**
Other Services
duo boost coming. Will update ASAP
Thanks for Reading!
Skype: lolservices.leca
Past Vouches/Boosting History