Hi guys, i'm selling a league of legends EUW acc, at the moment GOLD V (47 points), it was never banned etc. Champions, skins and runes:
Champions: Akali, alistar, darius, evelynn, fizz, garen, gragas, jax, kassadin, kog'maw, Leona, Malphite, Master yi, Miss fortune, Renekton, Ryze, Sion, sivir, soraka, taric, teemo, tristana, tryndamere, varus, wukong and yorick.
Skins: Galactic renekton, Crimson akali (not on sale anymore), coral reef malphite and riot girl tristana.
Runes: 4 rune pages, Marks: 9x +0.95 Physical Dmg; 9x +0.87 Magic Pen.
Seals: 9x +1.4 armor
Glyphs: 9x +1.3 Magic Resist
Quintessences: 3x +5.0 Ability Power; 3x +2.3 Physical Dmg.