Suche EU-West LvL30 smurf Account/ Looking 4 LvL30 smurf Account 05/26/2016 - League of Legends Trading - 3 Replies Hi
Suche LvL30 EU-West Account. Er sollte ~30 chamsp haben und einige Runen.
Skins sind völlig egal.
Bezahlung geht leider nur über Pokerstars oder Fulltiltpoker. Also perfekt für Leute die kleinen Bankroll Boost brauchen.
Hoffe jemand kann mir helfen.
trading smurf for smurf 02/09/2013 - League of Legends Trading - 1 Replies Trading my lvl 22 EU NE account for a lvl 24+ account on eu west/or 5 euros paypal.
My account contains:Glaive Warrior Pantheon,Riot Tristana and Alistar,Judgement Kayle,Leprechaun Veigar,Chosen Master YI,Noxus Poppy,90 RP left,and a chrostmas baron summoner icon.
i accept any account 24+ EU WEST in exchange or a lvl 25+ eu NE. Or 5 euros paypal of course :P
Conatact @ hooreaa in skype
Suche EU-West LvL30 smurf Account/ Looking 4 LvL30 smurf Account 01/31/2013 - League of Legends Trading - 0 Replies Hey
i search a LoL account especially to use as smurf
He should be LvL 30, Runes (2Pages are Ok so far)
Skins aren´t important ...
Could pay only via Pokerstars or FulltiltPoker
price 10-15$
WTB Smurf Account EUW - Low Elo | Kaufe Smurf Account - Niedriges Elo 04/29/2012 - League of Legends Trading - 2 Replies English
Hey Epvp :)
I want to buy two new Smurf Account, this Account should have some runes and champs.I seach for one REAL LOW Account(Elo about 800, but can be a bit higher or lower, doenst matter much :) ), this Account just needs the Champ TALON, Runes: Red Ad /Armor Pen, Yellow Magic Resit(wenn es geht, aber es geht auch armor bzw. mana reg), Blue magic resit, Quints AD
Good Runes should be too on the Account, what I need is:
Magic Pen/Ap Red
Yelow Armor
Blue Magic Resit