No Rank S2 or S1. Lots of icons including christmas icons. All champions except for lissandra, talon, and zyra. 5.3k IP. Has lots of retired and legendary skins. Very high MMR, I gain 29 per game and only lose 13. Anything else you may want to know please let me know. Add me on skype @ kevnisawesome. Will only go first if you have high feedback, pay by Paypal gift.
List of Skins:
foxfire ahri
nurse akali
golden alistar
almost prom king amumu
birds of prey anivia
red riding annie
frostfire annie
panda annie
boom boom blitzcrank
apocalyptic brand
siren cassiopeia
jurassic cho
red baron corki
mr. mundoverse
death blossom elise
shadow evelynn
masquerade evelynn
frosted ezrael
surprise party fiddlesticks
fisherman fizz
special forces gp
spooky gp
hillbilly gragas
vandal gragas
headless hecarim
nightblade irelia
frostqueen janna
commando 4 jarvan
temple jax
full metal jayce
traditional karma
statue of liberty karthus
pre void kassadin
sandstorm katarina
swamp master kennen
artic ops kennen
monarch kog maw
traditional lee sin
valkyrie leona
bittersweet lulu
imperial lux
marble malphite
glacial malphite
djinn malazahar
totemic maokai
charred maokai
samurai yi
secret agent mf
road warrior mf
riot nasus
pharoah nidalee
ravager nocturne
nunu bot
pentakill olaf
sewn chaos orianna
bladecraft orianna
myrmidon pantheon
full metal rammus
outback renekton
battle bunny riven
uncle ryze
professor ryze
traditional sejuani
royal shaco
workshop shaco
frozen shen
darkflame shyvanna
surfer singed
hextech sion
lumberjack sion
earthrune skarner
arcade sona
dryad soraka
justicar syndra
emerald taric
panda teemo
rocket girl tristana
lil slugger trundle
traditional trundle
sultan tryndamere
tango tf
kingpin twitch
battlecast urgot
heartseeker vayne
count vlad
blood lord vlad
thunderlord volibear
tundra hunter ww
jade dragon wukong
scorched earth xerath
warring kingdom xinzhao
shockblade zed
pool party ziggs
time machine zilean