WTB EUWest acc 02/20/2013 - League of Legends Trading - 2 Replies So, buying EUW acc, no need for many champs or anything as long as it's @ gold league.
Paying thru paypal and am willing to use a trusted middleman which u will find and is accepted by both parts.
skype @ ihavegotlamename
LOOKING FOR EUWEST ACC 12/21/2012 - League of Legends Trading - 3 Replies looking to trade my lvl20 euwest account which contains 10 rare legacy skins for a lvl 30 euwest account, i dont care if your in elo hell or anything like that just add me on skype jlsummers96
[Kaufe/Buying] Guten Lol Acc EuWest/Good Lol Acc EuWest 08/31/2012 - League of Legends Trading - 3 Replies Kaufe einen Lol Acc via Paysafe oder Paypal.
Er muss mind 1/3tel an Champs haben.
Er muss 3 sinnvolle Runenseiten haben.
Er muss Soloq unranked oder darf nicht schlechter als 1400 ELO!!!
Searching for an Lol Acc on EuWest:
WTS EUWest acc 07/04/2012 - League of Legends Trading - 0 Replies G0dz1 - League of Legends Statistics - lolking.net
EU West, G0dz1, 30lvl, 230 RP, 3422 IP, 10 IP Boosts
24 Skins.King Green Rammus, UFO Corki, 3 limited
Longhorn Alistar
Unchained Alistar
Almost-Prom King Amumu
Bird of Prey Anivia
Boom Boom Blitzcrank
[VK] LoL-Acc Lvl 30 [EuWest] 25€Psc 06/28/2012 - League of Legends Trading - 0 Replies Nabend E*pvp!
Ich Kevin79 Biete Hier meinen Leauge of Legend Account an.
Er ist Lvl 30 er hat 811 Wins
Hier noch ein screenshot hoffe jemand interessiert sich und meldet sich per skype