Dont trust this Guy he scammed me
[07.06.2013 21:14:34] John Gregor: well, so i have a idea
[07.06.2013 21:14:38] John Gregor: i will request a trade
[07.06.2013 21:14:48] John Gregor: its quite safety more for you, because i have 14 positives
[07.06.2013 21:14:56] John Gregor: so i dont want to get negatives to loose my account
[07.06.2013 21:15:13] John Gregor: then you start boosting and in half of the boost, i will pay you over paypal, is it possible or you still think im scammer?
[00:05:28] John Gregor: im going to sleep now, will you be here tomorrow morning?
[00:05:33] John Gregor: i will pay it
[00:23:29] John Gregor: just play and 10:30-11:00 i will be here and we will complete the payment
I finished this " Job " and when i came online he just blocked me everywhere so .. WATCH OUT