UNRANKED ACC 5e-10e WEST 01/12/2013 - League of Legends Trading - 0 Replies champs: 33 http://slike.milf-hosting.info/images/1358024802.j pg
2 runes page: http://slike.milf-hosting.info/images/1358024969.j pg
wins 507
TRADING LOW ELO ACCOUNT FOR UNRANKED ACOUNT (EU WEST) 01/06/2013 - League of Legends Trading - 0 Replies Hello , I want to TRADE my LoL account with low elo (975) For unranked account.
My account contains 31 champions
-akali - stinger akali
-blitzcrank - boom boom blitzcrank
-cho gath
[WTS]Cheap UNRANKED ACCOUNT EU WEST 12/26/2012 - League of Legends Trading - 0 Replies The account got like 19 champions,ad rune page completed,ap rune page not completed yet(it's like 60%).
0-0 played ranked
Never banned,never warned.
For pictures pm me or add me skype: blackshooter7
WTB EU west unranked know!!1 12/20/2012 - League of Legends Trading - 2 Replies Title says it send me a PN with offers
Selling unranked EU West acc,38 champions,10 skins [1 legendary] CHEAP 11/20/2012 - League of Legends Trading - 2 Replies Selling unranked EU West account with 38 champions,10 skins ,2 rune pages 218 wins normal 3600+ip 98 Rp
http://slike.milf-hosting.info/images/1332276327. jpg
Mad Scientist Ziggs
Major Ziggs
Dynasty Ahri