This account has 54 champions ( half the champs), and 50+ skins. 2 champs dont have a skin. Alot of holiday skins, and retired plus a couple legnedary skins. 2 full rune pages and AD and a AP page. Add me on skype kayaker4life shoot me an offer
Champions inclide --akali, amu, anivia, ashe, blitz, brand, diana,elise, eve, ez, fiddle, gp, hec, irelia, janna, jarvan, jax, karthus, kat, kayle, kog, lee, lulu, lux, mak, nid, orianna, pan, poppy, quinn,rammus, rengar, riven, rumble, ryze, shaco, shen, singed, sona, soraka, syndra, teemo, tf, twitch, vi, vlad, xerath, ziggs, zyra
skins incluse crimison akalipharoh amu/ sad robot amunoxus hunter anvia/ hextech aniviazombie branddark dianadeath elisemasquarde evenottingham ez/ explorer ez/ pulsefire ezsurprise fiddlespeical force gpreaper hec/ headless hecfrostblade ireliafrost jannadarkforge J4angler jax/temple jaxgrim karthushigh command kat/ slay bell katlion dance kogacolyte leeimerpial luxtoemic mao/ haunter maoleopard nid/ french nid/ pharoh nidFM rammus ( favorite skin)headhuner rengarchampionship rivenroyal shaco/ workshop shaco/ asylum shacoyellow jacket shenarcade sonajustica syndrarecon teemo/badger teemo/astro teemo/cottontail teemo/super teemo/ panda teemo (all of them)Underworld TFKingpin twitch/gangster twitchBlood Lord Vladwildfire zyra