NOTE: The account was sold, however the person who bought it filed a chargeback while still in possession of the account, so I was forced to recover the account. As such I will only be accepting gifts.
Hey guys, I'm looking to sell my league of legends account, I'd like to set some rules first, though. Got a question or concern? FAQ at the bottom.
1. The account summoner name, login info, any information that can give my account away will not be given until purchase.
2. You will pay first and as a gift, I AM VERY OPEN TO MIDDLEMEN, If you would like to use a trusted middleman for this trade, I will subtract the middleman cost from the price we have agreed on. Say the middleman cost 10$ and you agreed upon paying 50, You would now only have to pay me 40$, because you got a middleman.
3. Once you have paid me, You will recieve all necessary information to recover the account if something happens to it. You will be given the email address used to create the account, with everything deleted BUT RP purchases and the like. You will be given the accounts support login as well.
Now that that's taken care of, lets get started. I'm Matt and I've been a long time league of legends player but recently quit due to real life time constraints. I've put in over 1000$ in this account alone, but am willing to sell it for much less, as I don't need it anymore.
Now onto the most important part, I own the following champions, and the following skins. Limited Edition skins will be highlighted red. Legendary skins will be highlighted green.
If requested, I can provide screenshot with timestamp and name on it on any desired skin.
Ahri - None
Akali - Blood moon Akali
Alistar - Unchained Alistar
Amumu - Sad robot Amumu, Pharaoh Amumu
Anivia - Bird of prey Anivia, Noxus Hunter Anivia
Annie - Red riding Annie
Ashe - None
Blitzcrank - None
Brand - Zombie Brand
Caitlyn - None
Cassiopeia - Siren Cassiopeia
Cho'Gath - Gentleman Cho'Gath, Nightmare Cho'gath
Corki - Urf Rider Corki
Darius- Lord Darius
Diana - Dark Valkyrie Diana
Dr Mundo - Mr Mundoverse Corporate Mundo
Draven- Soul reaver Draven
Elise- None
Evelynn - Masquerade Evelyn
Ezreal- None
Fiddlesticks - Suprise party Fiddlesticks
Fiora - None
Fizz - Atlantean Fizz
Gangplank - Minuteman Gangplank
Garen - None
Gragas - None
Graves - None
Hecarim - None
Heimerdinger - Blast zone Heimerdinger
Irelia - Aviator Irelia
Janna - VICTORIOUS JANNA Image proof -
Jarvan IV - Darkforge Jarvan IV
Jax - Temple Jax
Jayce - None
Karma - None
Karthus - Phantom Karthus
Kassadin - Harbinger Kassadin
Katarina - None
Kayle - JUDGEMENT KAYLE Image Proof - [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
Kennen - None
Kha'zix - Mecha Kha'zix
Morgana - None
Nasus - None
Nidalee - Bewitching Nidalee Image Proof -
Nocturne - Haunting Nocturne Image Proof -
Nunu - None
Olaf - None
Orianna - Sewn Chaos Orianna
Pantheon - None
Poppy - Blacksmith Poppy
Rammus - Feljord rammus
Renekton - Galactic renekton
Rengar - Headhunter Rengar
Riven - Redeemed Riven
Rumble - None
Ryze - Professor Ryze
Shaco - Mad hatter Shaco, Royal Shaco, Asylum Shaco
Shen - None
Shyvana - Ironscale Shyvana
Singed - None
Sion - Hextech sion, Warmonger Sion
Sivir - None
Skarner - Earthrune Skarner
Sona - None
Soraka - None
Syndra - Justicar Syndra
Talon - Renegade Talon
Taric - None
Teemo - Astronaut Teemo, Cottontail Teemo, Panda Teemo
Tristanna -Firefighter Tristanna
Trundle - None
Tryndamere - Demonblade Tryndamere
Twisted fate - None
Twitch - Gangster Twitch, Kingpin Twitch
Udyr - None
Urgot - Battlecast Urgot
Varus - Blight crystal Varus
Vayne - Heartseeker Vayne
Veigar - Superb Villain Veigar
Vladimir - Blood lord Vladimir
Volibear - None
Warwick - Hyena Warwick
Wukong - None
Xin zhao - None
Yorick - Undertaker Yorick
Ziggs - Pool party Ziggs
Zilean - None
Zyra - None
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The following are all tier 3 runes, can give screenshots if requested
This account has 10 runepages - Image proof - [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
And the following Runes:
Red: 9x Attack speed, 9x Armor Pen, 9x Crit Damage, 9x Physical Damage, 9x Magic resist
Yellow: 9x Attack speed, 9x Gold per 5, 9x Scaling mana regeneration, 9x Scaling mana, 9x Flat ability power, 9x Armor, 9x Scaling Health, 9x Magic resist
Blue: 9x Attack speed, 9x Scaling cooldown reduction, 9x Magic pen, 9x Scaling Mana, 9x Flat ability power, 9x Scaling magic resist, 9x flat magic resist.
Quints: 3 Gold per 10, 3 Flat armor pen, 3 Flat HP, 3 Crit damage, 3 Flat magic pen, 3 Flat mana, 3 flat physical damage, 3 flat movements peed, 3 Flat spellvamp bonus, 3 Flat hp regen
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This account has a few rare avatars, such as the S2 Championship avatar which will never be released again, and the October promotion avatar set, and the season 2 gold avatar.
Image proof -
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Pricing and transaction
We will discuss pricing over Skype or PMs. If you use a middleman, the price of the middleman will be deducted from the total price. Paypal gifts/ Dota 2 treasure keys only.
NO new middlemen, You will pick a middleman, give me their name and allow me to review their reputation, if I approve we will go about the trade.
Alternatively, you can choose to go first, I will review the payment and then give you the Information necessary to: Log into the account, Prove ownership of the account if anything goes wrong, recover the account, Find account creation and Rp purchase details (necessary for account recovery). And any other details you request.
This will all be given as soon as the payment is confirmed, I will provide a paypal name during our skype chat.
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[Q] Can I log in "just to check?"
[A] No, while selling one of my other accounts on LoL, a total of 3 people attempted to hijack the account, using this as an excuse.
[Q] Can you give me your summoner name so I can check things out?
[A] I will not give a random person the summoner/ login name until they paid, I will however give a TRUSTED/ verified middleman the summoner name if required.
[Q] How do I know you're legit?
[A] I am very willing to use a middleman if requested, I also have no reason to scam anybody, I'd like somebody to be able to enjoy my account as I no longer can.
[Q] Skype name?
[A] matt.gordo, exactly as it appears
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Thanks for reading guys, I look forward to talking to potential buyers!