I'm selling a rare Combo Code that includes the following items:
2 Skins: Black Alistar , Goth Annie
20 Champions: Annie, Alistar, Kayle, Ryze, Sivir, Teemo, Tristana, Warwick, Tryndamere, Morgana, Zilean, Evelynn, Chogath, Amumu, Rammus, Janna, Veigar, Malphite, Nasus, Fiddle Sticks
1300 RP!
4 Runes!: Greater Mark of Malice, Greater Glyph of Knowledge, Greater Seal of Vitality, Greater Quintessence of Revivial
Note: This is a very RARE combo code that came with pre-orders for digital copies, and they released a very few amount of these. The champions and skins by itself are rare, but it also includes RP! But the rarest thing is the BLACK ALISTAR skin, which you'll never see on anyone.I will give code with code's e-mail so you can be sure it works %100.
Region: This code is ONLY for EU but also you can activate it in NA with support.
Price: Add me on Skype for your offer.
Skype: BruceMartinez42
2 Skins: Black Alistar , Goth Annie
20 Champions: Annie, Alistar, Kayle, Ryze, Sivir, Teemo, Tristana, Warwick, Tryndamere, Morgana, Zilean, Evelynn, Chogath, Amumu, Rammus, Janna, Veigar, Malphite, Nasus, Fiddle Sticks
1300 RP!
4 Runes!: Greater Mark of Malice, Greater Glyph of Knowledge, Greater Seal of Vitality, Greater Quintessence of Revivial
Note: This is a very RARE combo code that came with pre-orders for digital copies, and they released a very few amount of these. The champions and skins by itself are rare, but it also includes RP! But the rarest thing is the BLACK ALISTAR skin, which you'll never see on anyone.I will give code with code's e-mail so you can be sure it works %100.
Region: This code is ONLY for EU but also you can activate it in NA with support.
Price: Add me on Skype for your offer.
Skype: BruceMartinez42