Hi all,
I'm already selling my acc cuz i've no time to play anymore at LoL in that S3, then its for that i want to sell it.
I've all champs except Zed, Elise, Leona, Viktor, Sejuani, Lulu and Syndra. I got on this acc 13 runes pages with many runes for MS AS Armor... u can play all lanes as u feel , i got some skins too like Frostblade irelia, Amethyst Ashe, Jurassic Kog'Maw, Redeemed Riven, Jaximus, vandal jax, Mafia Graves and many others. In S2, i had 1.4K+ elo and many icones of halloween 2012 (4 on 5).
If u need more information let me ur username skype.
Have a nice day !