Riot has given us at least one more day to try to get our rewards, take advantage of that and get the elo you wanted. Contact me
I'm a 2200 elo player offering a good and reliable service of elo boosting. No fancy stuff, just straight to the point.
Can carry fast from 0 elo to 1900, after that i still can do it but prices and time changes.
Since I'm new prices are low. Ill be raising prices when i get more trust from people.
0 - 1250 10 Euro/100 elo
1250 - 1550 15 Euro/100 elo
1550 - 1900 20 Euro/100 elo
Prices are negotiable.
Server: EUW
If you want details about my skill level, how fast i am and things like this, dont hesitate to contact me.
You can either PM me or leave your skype in the thread. I'll be checking the tread alot.