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Selling Victorious Janna Skin Cheap! (1500 elo)

Discussion on Selling Victorious Janna Skin Cheap! (1500 elo) within the League of Legends Trading forum part of the Other Online Games Trading category.

Old   #1
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Selling Victorious Janna Skin Cheap! (1500 elo)

Tried to make a post earlier with lots of details but long story short site bugged, now its gonna be a paragraph maybe.

Selling 1500 elo boost for 35$, I am a 1874 elo plat player with another acc in the 1500s(i just mainly duoque on it nowadays), for me to boost for that low a price your elo needs to be 100-200 elo from 1500 (250 will be 40$) more than that I wont do unless you havent placed yet or you still have the elo gains from being newly ranked. More info and links (if you want) if you add me and talk to me on skype, bodie.menchaca1

Hope to hear from you guys soon!
Koata is offline  
Old 10/30/2012, 03:03   #2
elite*gold: 0
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Posts: 3
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Koata is offline  

1500, cheap, elo boost, victorious janna

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