Starting a new referral service with bots programmed by Se7ensins members!
These bots will create fake accounts and usernames, and bot custom games until level 5-10 depending on which service you need.
Referral Prices 1.0(Level 5 Bots):
30 Referrals - $12
50 Referrals - $18
75 Referrals - $28
100 Referrals - $37
250 Referrals - $70
500 Referrals - $125
Referral Prices 2.0(Level 10 Bots):
15 Referrals - $12
30 Referrals - $20
45 Referrals - $30
60 Referrals - $37
75 Referrals - $45
90 Referrals - $53
105 Referrals - $60
150 Referrals - $85
*Note* - When paying through Paypal, do not forgot to put a note including your Username and Referral Code. Also, please don't forgot to leave feedback on my account after my job, as I am trying to build my reputation with this website.
Some prices may seem lower priced than others because the higher the amount of referrals, the less each referral will cost.
SKYPE: fredgarret1975
You can also PM me if you have any questions or need to discuss anything if you do not own a Skype account.