WTS 1660 elo account with Zombie Ryze, UFO Corki, and other legendary/LIM skins. [NA]
Discussion on WTS 1660 elo account with Zombie Ryze, UFO Corki, and other legendary/LIM skins. [NA] within the League of Legends Trading forum part of the Other Online Games Trading category.
PM me with what you would like for the account, just an estimate. I am VERY interested. I will spring for a middle-man or whatever, Paypal gift. I want that Zombie Ryze and it makes me do crazy things
Selling LOL Account 47 Champs + 50 Skins & Speacil Ufo corki & legendary Kog'Maw skin 05/02/2014 - League of Legends Trading - 10 Replies Status
396 Rp IP 1547 Level 30 wins(467)
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v700/ladyroze/L OL3.png
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v700/ladyroze/L OL2.png
(Champions) (Skins) ~ ALL champs come out to 65,027 RP (+ the 396RP I currently have) (Points 7200 x 8 = 57600 & $50 x 8 = $400) So all together 65,423. So looking for around $400 But feel free to post offers :D
Alistar ~ 585 RP