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[S]Level 30 Account 480 RP ~20-30 Champs [LF] 5
Discussion on [S]Level 30 Account 480 RP ~20-30 Champs [LF] 5 within the League of Legends Trading forum part of the Other Online Games Trading category.
03/28/2012, 18:16
elite*gold: 126
Join Date: May 2011
Posts: 351
Received Thanks: 56
[S]Level 30 Account 480 RP ~20-30 Champs [LF] 5
Hey guys,
im selling a level 30 Account unranked elo.
contact me on skype: mike111994
03/28/2012, 18:34
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: Jun 2011
Posts: 1,655
Received Thanks: 608
Hello, I noticed you may need a Middleman for your trade, could you please respond with the following if you need me
- link to other user involved
- link to trade topic (both of you must have posted here)
- what is being traded and for how much
- skype name or something else we will communicate with
- realm/core
I will give you my Name in Skype or something else in my confirmation pm once I have a reply from the seller.
Thank you.
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