Account 1:
72 Champions owned
Silver elo
410 normal wins
Bloodstone Taric
Full Metal Pantheon
Blood Moon Shen
Ninja Rammus
Nunu bot (Legendary)
Dreadknight Nasus
Battleborn Kayle
Dreadknight Garen
Aviator Irelia
Nightblade Irelia
Coral Reef Malphite
Karate Kennen
Astronaut Teemo (Legendary)
Pentakill Mordekaiser
Marquis Vladmir
Sanguine Garen
Count Vladmir
Freljord Ashe
Annie In Wonderland (Legendary)
Hextech Galio
Gentleman Cho Gath (Legendary)
Royal Shaco
Pax Jax (very rare skin)
Riot Singed (very rare skin)
Lollipoppy (rare 2010 Christmas skin)
Candy Cane Miss Fortune ( rare 2010 Christmas skin)
Mundo Mundo ( rare 2010 Halloween skin)
Desperada Cassiopeia
Account 2:
Wins: 970+
Solo Q Elo: 1.5k-1.6k elo ( Gold )
RP: 69
IP: 6k
Transfer: Open
Runesites: 10
Musketeer Twisted Fate
Officer Caitlyn
Pentakill Karthus
Earthrune Skarner
Warmonger Sion
Safari Caitlyn
Samurai Yi
Lion Dance Kogmaw
Vandal Vladmir
Primal Udyr
Blade Mistress Morgana
Lil’ Slugger Trundle
Aviator Irelia
Marquis Vladmir
Forsaken Olaf
Ionia Master Yi
Chosen Master Yi
Big Bad Warwick
Recon Teemo
Phantom Karthus
Spooky Gankplank
Royal Shaco
Festive Maokai
Red Riding Annie
Nottingham Ezreal
Haunting Nocturne
Riot Tristana
Unchained Alistair
Royal Shaco
Shadow Prince Malzahar
Blood Lord Vladmir
Pharoah Amumu
Judgement Kayle
Mistletoe LeBlanc
etc (total of 36 but cant find all since they are either legacy or limited)
The Price:
I will firstly say that I will not go first since Ive been scammed a few times so its either you go first or we use Sasori as middleman and you pay the fees. The guy who scammed me thankfully enough changed my black market rating to a negative one.
I am willing to listen to offers. I will sell to the best offer or if its a good enough offer I can sell instantly. Thank you.