Verkaufe meinen LOL Account, er hat 71 Champs, 24 Skins, 10 Runen mit ARP/HP/AP Quinteesence und die kleinen sind verschieden arp,mp5,Armor,Magiresi,CD...
Level 30 US League of Legends Account | 900+ Normal Games Won | 1500+ Ranked Solo EL 08/23/2011 - League of Legends Trading - 2 Replies Add me on Skype to discuss a price, or ask questions. I will provide screenshots of proof upon request if you feel suspicious about the account. Current price I'm wanting for this account is around $70 USD, but again the price can be discussed.
Skype Name:
Level 30 US League of Legends Account
Normal Games Won: 977
Solo Ranked ELO: 1522
IP: 2994
RP: 23
Selling LOL US Account lvl 30 1500 wins all champs and 25 skins 04/03/2011 - League of Legends Trading - 1 Replies lvl 30 1500 wins all the champs unlocked like 27skins 4 runes pages 1300rp left 12000ip left
runes are
crit dmg 46% page 1
magic res full page page 2
magic pen + ap 15 and 16 page 3
crit chance atk speed page 4 15% and 16%
skins for annie ashe(2x) anivia (2x) tristana chogath shaco shen sion mordakaiser vladimir nidalee(2x) warwick kennen nasus morgana lux fiddlesticks gangplank kassadin malazhar swain teemo twisted fate twich
pm me if u interested with an offer or leave messege here
Selling 1500+ game account, almost all runes bought, most champs 01/10/2011 - Trading - 9 Replies UPDATED WITH PICTURE: g
US account.
Created before December 2009, games played before ranked existed...
If you're interested, post to request more info, and I'll update this thread over time, with information...
This is an auction, I am selling the account to the highest bidder...