WTS Black Alistar Skin [A Very Rare and Cool Skin!] 09/07/2013 - League of Legends Trading - 21 Replies http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb200912152108 45/leagueoflegends/images/archive/9/93/20100202203 917!Alistar_BlackSkin.jpg
Hey i ve received my code for Black Alistar a So Rare and so Cool skin so if you play Alistar you can enjoy it
So i am willing to sell this code for the hightest bid (Note:this skin was given to those who had pre ordered the collector edition of the game so its not available anymore (Pre order ended like in jan 2010)
YouTube - ‪League of Legends - Alistar...
Malzahar Will Be Tweaked From RiotStatikk & Few inside about Alistar 05/06/2011 - League of Legends - 41 Replies RiotStatikk - QA Analyst:
Malzahar is indeed perceived as "not-so-great" in most tiers of play (due to difficulty of play and reliance on farm) but he is actually considered god tier in competitive play (ask any top tier player especially in EU). The reason he only sees "some" competitive play is because he is banned in 99% of those games. The only time I've seen Malzahar been able to be picked is when Reginald and Team Solo Mid manage to get him in the draft against other not-as-high tier...
[Guide]Alistar der Steinerne-Stier 04/08/2011 - League of Legends Guides & Strategies - 11 Replies Alistar der Steinerne-Stier
1. http://static.leaguecraft.com/images/icons/spells/ spell_94.jpg
Passive ka gerade was da steht^^
2. http://static.leaguecraft.com/images/icons/spells/ spell_90.jpg
Alistar schlägt auf den Boden, verursacht an allen Gegnern in der Nähe Schaden und schleudert sie in die Luft.Bei der Landung werden die Gegner betäubt.
Alistar... wieso so scheiße?! 03/15/2011 - League of Legends - 34 Replies Wieso hacken eigentlich alle auf dem rum?!
wenn man den als off-tank ddler spielt geht der mega ab...
könnt ihr mir gründe nenen wieso das kein guetr char ist..?!
(klar als tank nicht 100% zu gebrauchen kein spott...)
Alistar Remake 01/10/2011 - League of Legends - 3 Replies Neues aus dem LoL Forum ->
Alistar Thoughts - League of Legends Community
Es wird ein Remake von Alistar gemacht, welches ihn super Bufft =)
Die neue version wird ungefähr so Aussehen:
Pulverize - reduced cooldown at upper ranks, reduced stun duration, increased AoE size
Headbutt - deals more damage, reduced cooldown at upper ranks, can target minions