I got bored Playing League of Legends, so i wanna sell my account, it has following things in it:
All champions execpt:
And Urgot.
It also has These Skins:
Crimson akali (520 RP)
Goth Annie (390 RP)
Nightmare Cho'Gath (520 RP)
Tango Evelyn (975 RP)
King Tryndamere (975 RP)
Frosted Ezreal (520 RP)
Vandal Jax (520 RP)
Pre-Void Kassadin (975 RP)
Bilgewater Katarina (975 RP)
Swamp Master Kennen (520 RP)
Prestigious LeBlanc (520 RP)
Shamrock Malphite (520 RP)
Vizier Malzahar (520 RP)
Cowgirl Miss Fortune (975 RP)
Pentakill Mordekaiser (975 RP)
Brolaf (1820 RP)
Tribal Ryze (520 RP)
Myrmidon Pantheon (520 RP)
Royal Shaco (520 RP)
Jack of Hearts (520 RP)
Tango Twisted Fate (975 RP)
and White Mage Veigar (390 RP)
In Total: 15665 RP = 120 USD
9x Greater Mark of Alcrity (1.7 attack speed red)
9x Greater Mark of Furor (2.2 Crit Dmg Red)
9x Greater Mark of Insight (0.95 Magic Pen red)
6x Greater Mark of Potency (0.59 Ability Power red)
9x Greater Seal of Strength (0.43 Physical Dmg Yellow)
9x Greater Seal of Potency (0.59 Ability Power Yellow)
9x Greater Seal of Intellect (6.9 Mana Yellow)
6x Greater Seal of Malice (0.42 Crit Chance Yellow)
9x Greater Glyph of Focus (0.65 Cooldown Blue)
9x Greater Glyph of Potency (0.99 Ability Power Blue)
3x Greater Quintessence of Furor (4.46 Crit Dmg Orange)
3x Greater Quintessence of Alacrity (3.4 Attack Speed Orange)
3x Greater Quintessence of Force (7.74 Ability Power at level 18 Orange)
3x Greater Quintessence of Fortitude (26 Health Orange)
3x Greater Quintessence of Might (4.5 Attack dmg at level 18 Orange)
And 4 Rune pages.
Ranked stats are not so good, Win ratio in ranked is: 30%
Normal Games: It has 345 Won
8513 Takedowns
66310 Minion Kills
I hope you guys are interrested.
This account is on EU server.
you can email me at :
or you can leave a comment below, i will watch them.
i hope we can get a fair price.